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See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

    "batchcomplete": "",
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                        "user": "Sysop",
                        "timestamp": "2017-09-28T02:58:39Z",
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                        "*": "[[File:BannerLogo.png|center]]\n\n'''''Waste your priest\u2019s time. Every hour of their time you consume is an hour they can\u2019t spend indoctrinating a young person.'''''\n\n'''Christianity ''is not'' a large, powerful global organization'''; it is a network of countless small, local churches.\n'''No one person is powerful enough to free the world from the church's tyranny; but ''you'' are mighty enough to overthrow ''your'' church. This guide will teach you how.''' \n\nDespite all of [[The_Church%27s_Strengths|their strengths and advantages]], most individual churches teeter on the brink of ruin, shepherded by clergymen on the verge of [[The_Church%27s_Weaknesses|burnout from their physical, mental, financial, social, and spiritual burdens]]. Implementing [[Our Strategy|our strategy]] can send any parish tumbling into a vicious circle of self-destruction when it is subtly applied to the critical few directing the congregation -- '''smite the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.''' Just as no one raindrop causes the flood, the aggregate of many small, non-violent, direct actions on the local level can topple even the mightiest of institutions -- just like how the [ Tea Party] destroyed the United States Government. \nFor maximum effect, you will need some training in [[Points_of_Contention|general Biblical scholarship]], [[Refutations_of_the_Arguments_for_the_Belief_in_God|counter-apologetics]], and [[Arguments_Against_the_Belief_in_God|sowing seeds of doubt]] -- but this information has been made available to you at no cost, because '''synergy allows people to transcend themselves.'''\n----\n\n{{Template:Navigation}}"