Hell does not Exist

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There has never been any evidence for the existence of Hell. The only “proof” is a series of implications in Bible quotes, which are posited as true simply because they are in the Bible. Jesus invented the idea of Hell (MAR 9:43; MAT 13:41-42), so he could gladly damn his opponents (JOH 15:16) to suit his all-or-nothing mindset. Hell was arguably Jesus’ only truly original idea; the harshest Old Testament punishment was a (relatively simple) death penalty.[1]

Despite these facts, many argue that Jesus was not that cruel or vindictive. Many liberal Christians have stated to me that Hell is metaphor for a total isolation from Christ and his love. However, if Christ is omnipresent, then separation is impossible; if Christ is everywhere at all times, then he must also be in Hell (MAT 28:20). Besides, Jesus is emphatic that Hell is a real place (MAT 25:46, 41; 10:28; 13:42), to the point that he allowed himself to be crucified because he was convinced that it would somehow keep other people out of there (JOH 5:24; 8:24).[2]

This results in a great deal of time consuming debate which ultimately yields opinions and speculation instead of answers, which is why Christianity has splintered into ~41,000 different sects.[3] To aid this effort, synopses of the most popular arguments against the existence of Hell are provided below.

Hell makes God a hypocrite

Hell is incompatible with the idea of a loving God is love. One of the major bulletpoints points of Christianity that you should love everyone -- even your enemies -- and to bestow forgiveness and mercy even to those who don’t deserve it. Yet God sends people to Hell, because he is a God of wrath -- meaning hate -- which is a contradiction: The God of Love is also hatred personified. [4]

The common counterarguments are based on:[4]

  • Denying the notion of God’s wrath, and re-interpret it at a projection of our own wrath.
  • Reframing God’s wrath to apply to sin, and not to sinners. The defender could also say that God really has wrath, but not to sinners, only to sins.
  • Using doublethink to rectify the issue, by stating that “the fires of Hell are made from God’s love,” so that sinners are tortured with the love of God, for sinners have made themselves the enemy of love.

However, if God’s wrath is not objectively real, is Hell also not objectively real? Can Hell be interpreted non-literally? While that seems reasonable, Jesus clearly stated that Hell is a real, literal place (MAT 25:46, 41; 10:28; 13:42).

No could happy in Heavenwhen their friends and loved ones are in Hell

There are apparently four possibilities:[4]

  • Those in Heaven are unaware is anyone in Hell; but then their “happiness” is based on a lie.
  • Those in Heaven are aware their loved ones are in Hell, and are happy about it; but these people would be too selfish and cruel to deserve Heaven.
  • Those in Heaven are aware their loved ones are in Hell, and are happy about it; but if the inhabitants are unhappy, what is the point of Heaven?
  • The Amish rectify this issue by believing that everyone in Heaven is permanently anonymous, which would be lonely.

Theologians counter-argue that since Heaven and Hell exist in different realms, they experience the flow of time at different rates; Hell just seems like eternity, and the people in Heaven are so caught up in the moment they fail to notice the plight of the damned. However, this is pure speculation, and can't guarantee that those in Heaven could mourn for those in Hell.[4]

Hell indicates that God values justice over mercy

Hell may be just, but it’s not merciful. We usually think of mercy as a relaxation, compromising, or even a contradiction of justice. How can divine attributes ever be compromised? Justice must discriminate between those who do and do not deserve mercy. Christian scriptures clearly state that Hell is a punishment. The counterargument is semantic, based on which concept of law you speak of:[4]

  • Positive laws are posited or willed by some man or god. Positive laws have changeable and negotiable punishments, which can be influenced by mercy.
  • Natural laws aren’t willed, and couldn’t be different; they are necessary because they are the laws of the nature of a thing. The punishments for violating natural laws are unchangeable and necessary; and are thus mercy-exempt.

While Hell contradicts God’s mercy for his positive laws, it does not if it’s a natural and necessary punishment for being a contrary-to-God kind of person.[4] However, since God is the creator of all things, these natures, and this dichotomy, are also posited.

An all-knowing, Hell-creating God must be sadistic

If God is all-knowing, he knows all futures, and thus has predestined everyone. If God predestines some people for Hell before they are born, he is a cosmic sadist, who willingly creates some people just too damn them.

Theologians argue against this by employing double thing to redefine predestination as not being literally “pre-” anything, because God exists outside of linear time.[4]

If God wants everyone to be saved, and not all are, then God is not all-powerful

Theologians argue that since God is all-good and all-powerful, he thus created the best of all possible worlds, which apparently requires a Hell. However, this is a self-contradictory argument; just as you can always add one more to any finite number, once can always find ways to improve the world. Apologists argue that God did create a world without Hell, but it was ruined by Original Sin, but an all-powerful God would be able to compensate for that.[4]

Hell is too extreme to be a just punishment

The punishment does not fit the crime: infinite, eternal punishments for finite, temporary crimes. Theologians counter this by arguing against themselves, and claiming that Hell isn’t that bad, because:[4]

  • Since eternity is not quantitative, no one can calculate the quantity of punishment dealt.
  • A working definition of justice, “the punishment fits the crime” implies that both crime and punishment are finite, since “fits” means “proportionate,” and all proportions are finite. Thus, Hell cannot offer infinite punishment, because only God is infinite.
  • The intense images (e.g., fire and brimstone) are not literal; they are just metaphors for a terrible fate. However, Jesus is overt about Hell being a real, physical place (MAT 25:46,41; 10:28; 13:42), and he allowed himself to be crucified because he was convinced that would somehow stop people from going there (JOH 5:24; 8:24).[2]
  • Sin designates not just a violation of a rule or law, but a negative relationship with and deliberate divorce from God. Those who object to Hell as too severe a punishment for sin thus do not understand the meaning of sin.

Hell is disproportionately populated

Most Christians have traditionally believed that more people go to Hell than to Heaven, even though there has never been a census of Hell. Jesus said that the way to Hell is wide and that many find it, but the way to Heaven is narrow and only few find it. However, this means that Satan is victorious, having won more souls than God. [4]

There is no advantage to believing in Hell

Hell only creates fear, hate, despair and oppression; even the most naïve person finds it obvious that the idea that Hell was invented to control and manipulate people.

Theologians argue that any idea, true or false, can be misused, and that its use does not affect its truthfulness. The fear of Hell is not bad per se, because in the presence of danger, the absence of fear is more dangerous than fear. The fact that Hell produces fear has been cited as proof of its existence, but children are often afraid of imaginary monsters.[5] Nightmares are also frightening and unreal.[3]

This imposes additional problems, because believing in the Christian Hell implies rejecting the hells of all other religions. Faith is an assumption, and avoiding the Christian Hell, may open you up to being sent to the Muslim hell, Hel, of any of those respective traditions turn out to be the one true religion.[3] Cultural relativity also complicates this matter; the first Christian missionaries to Alaska experienced great difficulty trying to convert the Inuit, who yearned for Hell’s lakes of fire.[6]

  1. V. J. Stenger, God: The Failed Hypothesis (Prometheus Books, 2008).
  2. 2.0 2.1 J. Michaelsen, Like Lambs to the Slaughter (Harvest House Publishing, 1989).
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 G. P. Harrison, 50 Simple Questions for Every Christian (Prometheus Books, 2013).
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 P. Kreeft, Faith and Reason: The Philosophy of Religion (Recorded Books, 2005).
  5. D. Barker, Losing Faith in Faith: From Preacher to Atheist (Freedom from Religion Foundation, 1992).
  6. A. S. LaVey, The Satanic Bible (Avon, 1969).